Voltage Source Converter (VSC)
We implemented VSC as part of the VSC HVDC FACTS device based on the following source:
A. Panosyan, “Modeling of advanced power transmission system controllers”, Ph.D. dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2010.
The Voltage Source Converter (VSC), is a power electronic device used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) and vice versa. It connects an AC system to a DC system. The VSC is connected with a coupling transformer to the ac system. In pandapower the VSC model includes the coupling transformer and considers it via the input parameters r_ohm and x_ohm.
See also
Create Function
- pandapower.create.create_vsc(net, bus, bus_dc, r_ohm, x_ohm, r_dc_ohm, pl_dc_mw=0.0, control_mode_ac='vm_pu', control_value_ac=1.0, control_mode_dc='p_mw', control_value_dc=0.0, name=None, controllable=True, in_service=True, index=None, **kwargs)
Creates an VSC converter element - a shunt element with adjustable VSC internal voltage used to connect the AC grid and the DC grid. The element implements several control modes.
Does not work if connected to “PV” bus (gen bus, ext_grid bus)
net (pandapowerNet) - The pandapower network in which the element is created
bus (int) - connection bus of the VSC
bus_dc (int) - connection bus of the VSC
r_ohm (float) - resistance of the coupling transformer component of VSC
x_ohm (float) - reactance of the coupling transformer component of VSC
r_dc_ohm (float) - resistance of the internal dc resistance component of VSC
pl_dc_mw (float) - no-load losses of the VSC on the DC side for the shunt R representing the no load losses
control_mode_ac (string) - the control mode of the ac side of the VSC. it could be “vm_pu” or “q_mvar”
control_value_ac (float) - the value of the controlled parameter at the ac bus in “p.u.” or “MVAr”
control_mode_dc (string) - the control mode of the dc side of the VSC. it could be “vm_pu” or “p_mw”
control_value_dc (float) - the value of the controlled parameter at the dc bus in “p.u.” or “MW”
name (list of strs, None) - element name
- controllable (bool, True) - whether the element is considered as actively controlling or
as a fixed voltage source connected via shunt impedance
in_service (bool, True) - True for in_service or False for out of service
- index (int, None) - Force a specified ID if it is available. If None, the
index one higher than the highest already existing index is selected.
index (int) - The unique ID of the created ssc
Input Parameters
Parameter |
Datatype |
Value Range |
Explanation |
name |
string |
name of the VSC |
bus* |
integer |
index of ac bus of the ac side of the VSC |
bus_dc* |
integer |
index of dc bus of the dc side of the VSC |
r_ohm* |
float |
\(\geq\) 0 |
resistance of the coupling transformer |
x_ohm* |
float |
\(\leq\) 0 |
reactance of the coupling transformer |
control_mode_ac* |
string |
the control mode of the ac side of the VSC |
control_value_ac* |
float |
the value of the controlled parameter at the ac bus |
control_mode_dc* |
string |
the control mode of the dc side of the VSC |
control_value_dc* |
float |
the value of the controlled parameter at the dc bus |
controllable* |
boolean |
True / False |
whether the element is considered as actively controlling |
in_service* |
boolean |
True / False |
specifies if the VSC is in service. |
*necessary for executing a power flow calculation.
Electric Model

Voltage Source Converters VSC are self-commutated converters to connect HVAC and HVDC systems using devices suitable for high power electronic applications, such as IGBTs.
The corresponding terminal-admittance equation is given as:
Where \(\underline{Y}_{T}\) = 1/\(\underline{Z}_{T}\) is the admittance of the lossless-assumed coupling transformer between the VSC and the ac system. \(\underline{V}_{VSC}\) stands for the VSC output Voltage.
Result Parameters
Parameter |
Datatype |
Explanation |
p_mw |
float |
active power consumption of vsc [MW] |
q_mvar |
float |
reactive power consumption of vsc [MVAr] |
vm_internal_pu |
float |
voltage magnitude at vsc internal bus [pu] |
va_internal_degree |
float |
voltage angle at vsc internal bus [degree] |
vm_pu |
float |
voltage magnitude at vsc ac bus [pu] |
va_degree |
float |
voltage angle at vsc ac bus [degree] |