DC Bus
See also
Create Function
- pandapower.create_bus_dc(net, vn_kv, name=None, index=None, geodata=None, type='b', zone=None, in_service=True, max_vm_pu=nan, min_vm_pu=nan, coords=None, **kwargs)
Adds one dc bus in table net[“bus_dc”].
Buses are the nodes of the network that all other elements connect to.
net (pandapowerNet) - The pandapower network in which the element is created
vn_kv (float) - The grid voltage level.
name (string, default None) - the name for this dc bus
index (int, default None) - Force a specified ID if it is available. If None, the index one higher than the highest already existing index is selected.
geodata ((x,y)-tuple, default None) - coordinates used for plotting
type (string, default “b”) - Type of the bus. “n” - node, “b” - busbar, “m” - muff
zone (string, None) - grid region
in_service (boolean) - True for in_service or False for out of service
max_vm_pu (float, NAN) - Maximum dc bus voltage in p.u. - necessary for OPF
min_vm_pu (float, NAN) - Minimum dc bus voltage in p.u. - necessary for OPF
coords (list (len=2) of tuples (len=2), default None) - busbar coordinates to plot the dc bus with multiple points. coords is typically a list of tuples (start and endpoint of the busbar) - Example: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
index (int) - The unique ID of the created element
create_bus_dc(net, 20., name=”bus1”)
Input Parameters
Parameter |
Datatype |
Value Range |
Explanation |
name |
string |
name of the dc bus |
vn_kv* |
float |
\(>\) 0 |
rated voltage of the dc bus [kV] |
type |
string |
naming conventions:
“n” - node
“b” - busbar
“m” - muff
type variable to classify buses |
zone |
string |
can be used to group dc buses, for example network groups / regions |
in_service* |
boolean |
True / False |
specifies if the dc bus is in service |
*necessary for executing a power flow calculation
Bus voltage limits can not be set for slack buses and will be ignored by the optimal power flow.
Parameter |
Datatype |
Explanation |
x |
float |
x coordinate of dc bus location |
y |
float |
y coordinate of dc bus location |
Electric Model

Result Parameters
Parameter |
Datatype |
Explanation |
vm_pu |
float |
voltage magnitude [p.u] |
p_mw |
float |
resulting active power demand [MW] |
The power flow bus results are defined as: