Topological Searches

Once you converted your network into a MultiGraph there are several functions to perform topological searches and analyses at your disposal. You can either use the general-purpose functions that come with NetworkX (see http:/ or topology’s own ones which are specialized on electrical networks.


pandapower.topology.calc_distance_to_bus(net, bus, respect_switches=True, nogobuses=None, notravbuses=None, weight='weight', g=None)

Calculates the shortest distance between a source bus and all buses connected to it.


net (pandapowerNet) - Variable that contains a pandapower network.

bus (integer) - Index of the source bus.


respect_switches (boolean, True)

True: open line switches are being considered (no edge between nodes).

False: open line switches are being ignored.

nogobuses (integer/list, None) - nogobuses are not being considered.

notravbuses (integer/list, None) - lines connected to these buses are not being considered.

weight (string, None) – Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight.

g (nx.MultiGraph, None) – MultiGraph of the network. If None, the graph will be created.

dist - Returns a pandas series with containing all distances to the source bus

in km. If weight=None dist is the topological distance (int).


import pandapower.topology as top

dist = top.calc_distance_to_bus(net, 5)


pandapower.topology.connected_component(mg, bus, notravbuses=[])

Finds all buses in a NetworkX graph that are connected to a certain bus.


mg (NetworkX graph) - NetworkX Graph or MultiGraph that represents a pandapower network.

bus (integer) - Index of the bus at which the search for connected components originates

notravbuses (list/set) - indices of notravbuses: lines connected to these buses are

not being considered in the graph


cc (generator) - Returns a generator that yields all buses connected to the input bus


import pandapower.topology as top

mg = top.create_nxgraph(net)

cc = top.connected_component(mg, 5)


pandapower.topology.connected_components(mg, notravbuses={})

Clusters all buses in a NetworkX graph that are connected to each other.


mg (NetworkX graph) - NetworkX Graph or MultiGraph that represents a pandapower network.

OPTIONAL: notravbuses (set) - Indices of notravbuses: lines connected to these buses are not being considered in the graph

cc (generator) - Returns a generator that yields all clusters of buses connected

to each other.


import pandapower.topology as top

mg = top.create_nxgraph(net)

cc = top.connected_components(mg, 5)


pandapower.topology.unsupplied_buses(net, mg=None, slacks=None, respect_switches=True)

Finds buses, that are not connected electrically (no lines, trafos etc or if respect_switches is True only connected via open switches) to an external grid and that are in service.


net (pandapowerNet) - variable that contains a pandapower network


mg (NetworkX graph) - NetworkX Graph or MultiGraph that represents a pandapower network.

in_service_only (boolean, False) - Defines whether only in service buses should be

included in unsupplied_buses.

slacks (set, None) - buses which are considered as root / slack buses. If None, all

existing slack buses are considered.

respect_switches (boolean, True) - Fixes how to consider switches - only in case of no

given mg.


ub (set) - unsupplied buses


import pandapower.topology as top



pandapower.topology.determine_stubs(net, roots=None, mg=None, respect_switches=False)

Finds stubs in a network. Open switches are being ignored. Results are being written in a new column in the bus table (“on_stub”) and line table (“is_stub”) as True/False value.


net (pandapowerNet) - Variable that contains a pandapower network.

roots (integer/list, None) - indices of buses that should be excluded (by default, the

ext_grid buses will be set as roots)


import pandapower.topology as top

top.determine_stubs(net, roots = [0, 1])