
The pandapower toolbox is a collection of helper functions that are implemented for the pandapower framework. It is designed for functions of common application that fit nowhere else. Have a look at the available functions to save yourself the effort of maybe implementing something twice. If you develop some functionality which could be interesting to other users as well and do not fit into one of the specialized packages, feel welcome to add your contribution. To improve overview functions are loosely grouped by functionality, please adhere to this notion when adding your own functions and feel free to open new groups as needed.


pandapower.toolbox.dataframes_equal(df1, df2, ignore_index_order=True, **kwargs)

Returns a boolean whether the given two dataframes are equal or not.

pandapower.toolbox.compare_arrays(x, y)

Returns an array of bools whether array x is equal to array y. Strings are allowed in x or y. NaN values are assumed as equal.

pandapower.toolbox.nets_equal(net1, net2, check_only_results=False, check_without_results=False, exclude_elms=None, name_selection=None, **kwargs)

Returns a boolean whether the two given pandapower networks are equal.

pandapower net keys starting with “_” are ignored. Same for the key “et” (elapsed time).

If the element tables contain JSONSerializableClass objects, they will also be compared: attributes are compared but not the addresses of the objects.


net1 (pandapowerNet)

net2 (pandapowerNet)


check_only_results (bool, False) - if True, only result tables (starting with res_) are compared

check_without_results (bool, False) - if True, result tables (starting with res_) are ignored for comparison

exclude_elms (list, None) - list of element tables which should be ignored in the comparison

name_selection (list, None) - list of element tables which should be compared

kwargs - key word arguments for dataframes_equal()

pandapower.toolbox.nets_equal_keys(net1, net2, check_only_results, check_without_results, exclude_elms, name_selection, **kwargs)

Returns a lists of keys which are 1) not equal and 2) not checked. Used within nets_equal().

Power Factor


Returns a 1 for all bus elements using the consumver viewpoint and a -1 for all bus elements using the generator viewpoint.

pandapower.toolbox.pq_from_cosphi(s, cosphi, qmode, pmode)

Calculates P/Q values from rated apparent power and cosine(phi) values.

  • s: rated apparent power

  • cosphi: cosine phi of the

  • qmode: “underexcited” (Q absorption, decreases voltage) or “overexcited” (Q injection, increases voltage)

  • pmode: “load” for load or “gen” for generation

As all other pandapower functions this function is based on the consumer viewpoint. For active power, that means that loads are positive and generation is negative. For reactive power, underexcited behavior (Q absorption, decreases voltage) is modeled with positive values, overexcited behavior (Q injection, increases voltage) with negative values.

pandapower.toolbox.cosphi_from_pq(p, q)

Analog to pq_from_cosphi, but the other way around. In consumer viewpoint (pandapower): “underexcited” (Q absorption, decreases voltage) and “overexcited” (Q injection, increases voltage)

Result Information

pandapower.toolbox.lf_info(net, numv=1, numi=2)

Prints some basic information of the results in a net (max/min voltage, max trafo load, max line load).


numv (integer, 1) - maximal number of printed maximal respectively minimal voltages

numi (integer, 2) - maximal number of printed maximal loading at trafos or lines

pandapower.toolbox.opf_task(net, delta_pq=0.001, keep=False, log=True)

Collects some basic inforamtion of the optimal powerflow task und prints them.

pandapower.toolbox.switch_info(net, sidx)

Prints what buses and elements are connected by a certain switch.

pandapower.toolbox.overloaded_lines(net, max_load=100)

Returns the results for all lines with loading_percent > max_load or None, if there are none.

pandapower.toolbox.violated_buses(net, min_vm_pu, max_vm_pu)

Returns all bus indices where vm_pu is not within min_vm_pu and max_vm_pu or returns None, if there are none of those buses.


Clears all res_ DataFrames in net.

pandapower.toolbox.res_power_columns(element_type, side=0)

Returns columns names of result tables for active and reactive power


name of element table, e.g. “gen”

sidetyping.Union[int, str], optional

Defines for branch elements which branch side is considered, by default 0


columns names of result tables for active and reactive power


>>> res_power_columns("gen")
["p_mw", "q_mvar"]
>>> res_power_columns("line", "from")
["p_from_mw", "q_from_mvar"]
>>> res_power_columns("line", 0)
["p_from_mw", "q_from_mvar"]
>>> res_power_columns("line", "all")
["p_from_mw", "q_from_mvar", "p_to_mw", "q_to_mvar"]

Item/Element Selection

pandapower.toolbox.get_element_index(net, element_type, name, exact_match=True)

Returns the element(s) identified by a name or regex and its element-table.


net - pandapower network

element_type - Table to get indices from (“line”, “bus”, “trafo” etc.)

name - Name of the element to match.

exact_match (boolean, True) -

True: Expects exactly one match, raises UserWarning otherwise. False: returns all indices containing the name


index - The index (or indices in case of exact_match=False) of matching element(s).

pandapower.toolbox.get_element_indices(net, element_type, name, exact_match=True)

Returns a list of element(s) identified by a name or regex and its element-table -> Wrapper function of get_element_index()


net - pandapower network

element_type (str, string iterable) - Element table to get indices from (“line”, “bus”, “trafo” etc.).

name (str) - Name of the element to match.


exact_match (boolean, True)

  • True: Expects exactly one match, raises UserWarning otherwise.

  • False: returns all indices containing the name


index (list) - List of the indices of matching element(s).

>>> import pandapower.networks as pn
>>> import pandapower as pp
>>> net = pn.example_multivoltage()
>>> # get indices of only one element type (buses in this example):
>>> pp.get_element_indices(net, "bus", ["Bus HV%i" % i for i in range(1, 4)])
[32, 33, 34]
>>> # get indices of only two element type (first buses, second lines):
>>> pp.get_element_indices(net, ["bus", "line"], "HV", exact_match=False)
[Int64Index([32, 33, 34, 35], dtype='int64'), Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='int64')]
>>> pp.get_element_indices(net, ["bus", "line"], ["Bus HV3", "MV Line6"])
[34, 11]
pandapower.toolbox.next_bus(net, bus, element_id, et='line', **kwargs)

Returns the index of the second bus an element is connected to, given a first one. E.g. the from_bus given the to_bus of a line.


pandapower net


index of bus


index of element

etstr, optional

which branch element type to consider, by default ‘line’


index of next connected bus

pandapower.toolbox.get_connected_elements(net, element_type, buses, respect_switches=True, respect_in_service=False)

Returns elements connected to a given buses.


net (pandapowerNet)

element_type (string, name of the element table)

buses (single integer or iterable of ints)


respect_switches (boolean, True)

  • True: open switches will be respected

  • False: open switches will be ignored

respect_in_service (boolean, False)

  • True: in_service status of connected lines will be respected

  • False: in_service status will be ignored


connected_elements (set) - Returns connected elements.

pandapower.toolbox.get_connected_elements_dict(net, buses, respect_switches=True, respect_in_service=False, include_empty_lists=False, element_types=None, **kwargs)

Returns a dict of lists of connected elements.



busesiterable of buses

buses as origin to search for connected elements

respect_switchesbool, optional

_description_, by default True

respect_in_servicebool, optional

_description_, by default False

include_empty_listsbool, optional

if True, the output doesn’t have values of empty lists but may lack of element types as keys, by default False

element_typesiterable of strings, optional

types elements which are analyzed for connection. If not given, all pandapower element types are analyzed. That list of all element types can also be restricted by key word arguments “connected_buses”, “connected_bus_elements”, “connected_branch_elements” and “connected_other_elements”, by default None


elements connected to given buses

pandapower.toolbox.get_connected_buses(net, buses, consider=('l', 's', 't', 't3', 'i'), respect_switches=True, respect_in_service=False)

Returns buses connected to given buses. The source buses will NOT be returned.


net (pandapowerNet)

buses (single integer or iterable of ints)


respect_switches (boolean, True)

  • True: open switches will be respected

  • False: open switches will be ignored

respect_in_service (boolean, False)

  • True: in_service status of connected buses will be respected

  • False: in_service status will be ignored

consider (iterable, (“l”, “s”, “t”, “t3”, “i”)) - Determines, which types of connections will be considered.

l: lines

s: switches

t: trafos

t3: trafo3ws

i: impedances


cl (set) - Returns connected buses.

pandapower.toolbox.get_connected_buses_at_element(net, element_index, element_type, respect_in_service=False)

Returns buses connected to a given branch element. In case of a bus switch, two buses will be returned, else one.


net (pandapowerNet)

element_index (integer)

element_type (string) - Type of the source element:

l, line: line

s, switch: switch

t, trafo: trafo

t3, trafo3w: trafo3w

i, impedance: impedance


respect_in_service (boolean, False)

True: in_service status of connected buses will be respected

False: in_service status will be ignored


cl (set) - Returns connected switches.

pandapower.toolbox.get_connected_switches(net, buses, consider=('b', 'l', 't', 't3', 'i'), status='all', include_element_connections=False)

Returns switches connected to given buses.


net (pandapowerNet)

buses (single integer or iterable of ints)

consider (iterable, (“l”, “s”, “t”, “t3)) - Determines, which types of connections

will be considered. l: lines b: bus-bus-switches t: transformers t3: 3W transformers i: impedance

status (string, (“all”, “closed”, “open”)) - Determines, which switches will

be considered

include_element_connections (bool, False) - If True, also the other bus of the connected element, e.g. the other line ending, is included


cl (set) - Returns connected switches.

pandapower.toolbox.get_connecting_branches(net, buses1, buses2, branch_elements=None)

Gets/Drops branches that connects any bus of buses1 with any bus of buses2.

Returns which indices have links to elements of other element tables which does not exist in the net.


>>> false_elm_links(net, "line", "to_bus", "bus")  # exemplary input 1
>>> false_elm_links(net, "poly_cost", "element", net["poly_cost"]["et"])  # exemplary input 2

Returns a dict of elements which indices have links to elements of other element tables which does not exist in the net. This function is an outer loop for get_false_links() applications.

pandapower.toolbox.element_bus_tuples(bus_elements=True, branch_elements=True, res_elements=False)

Utility function Provides the tuples of elements and corresponding columns for buses they are connected to :param bus_elements: whether tuples for bus elements e.g. load, sgen, … are included :param branch_elements: whether branch elements e.g. line, trafo, … are included :param res_elements: whether result table names e.g. res_sgen, res_line, … are included :param return_type: which type the output has :return: list of tuples with element names and column names

pandapower.toolbox.pp_elements(bus=True, bus_elements=True, branch_elements=True, other_elements=True, cost_tables=False, res_elements=False)

Returns a set of pandapower elements.

pandapower.toolbox.branch_element_bus_dict(include_switch=False, sort=None)

Returns a dict with keys of branch elements and values of bus column names as list.

pandapower.toolbox.count_elements(net, return_empties=False, **kwargs)

Counts how much elements of which element type exist in the pandapower net


pandapower net

return_emptiesbool, optional

whether element types should be listed if no element exist, by default False


number of elements per element type existing in the net

Other Parameters:
kwargsdict[str,bool], optional

arguments (passed to pp_elements()) to narrow considered element types. If nothing is passed, an empty dict is passed to pp_elements(), by default None

See also



>>> import pandapower as pp
>>> import pandapower.networks as nw
>>> pp.count_elements(nw.case9(), bus_elements=False)
bus     9
line    9
dtype: int32

This function is based on the code in mem_top module Summarize object types that are tracket by the garbage collector in the moment. Useful to test if there are memoly leaks. :return: dictionary with keys corresponding to types and values to the number of objects of the type

Data Modification

pandapower.toolbox.add_column_from_node_to_elements(net, column, replace, elements=None, branch_bus=None, verbose=True)

Adds column data to elements, inferring them from the column data of buses they are connected to.


net (pandapowerNet) - the pandapower net that will be changed

column (string) - name of column that should be copied from the bus table to the element table

replace (boolean) - if True, an existing column in the element table will be overwritten

elements (list) - list of elements that should get the column values from the bus table

branch_bus (list) - defines which bus should be considered for branch elements. ‘branch_bus’ must have the length of 2. One entry must be ‘from_bus’ or ‘to_bus’, the other ‘hv_bus’ or ‘lv_bus’


compare to add_zones_to_elements()

pandapower.toolbox.add_column_from_element_to_elements(net, column, replace, elements=None, continue_on_missing_column=True)

Adds column data to elements, inferring them from the column data of the elements linked by the columns “element” and “element_type” or “et”.


net (pandapowerNet) - the pandapower net that will be changed

column (string) - name of column that should be copied from the tables of the elements.

replace (boolean) - if True, an existing column will be overwritten

elements (list) - list of elements that should get the column values from the linked element tables. If None, all elements with the columns “element” and “element_type” or “et” are considered (these are currently “measurement” and “switch”).

continue_on_missing_column (Boolean, True) - If False, a error will be raised in case of an element table has no column ‘column’ although this element is refered in ‘elements’. E.g. ‘measurement’ is in ‘elements’ and in net.measurement is a trafo measurement but in net.trafo there is no column ‘name’ although column==’name’ - ni this case ‘continue_on_missing_column’ acts.


import pandapower as pp import pandapower.networks as pn net = pn.create_cigre_network_mv() pp.create_measurement(net, “i”, “trafo”, 5, 3, 0, side=”hv”) pp.create_measurement(net, “i”, “line”, 5, 3, 0, side=”to”) pp.create_measurement(net, “p”, “bus”, 5, 3, 2) print(, pp.add_column_from_element_to_elements(net, “name”, True) print(,

pandapower.toolbox.add_zones_to_elements(net, replace=True, elements=None, **kwargs)

Adds zones to elements, inferring them from the zones of buses they are connected to.

pandapower.toolbox.reindex_buses(net, bus_lookup)

Changes the index of net.bus and considers the new bus indices in all other pandapower element tables.


net - pandapower network

bus_lookup (dict) - the keys are the old bus indices, the values the new bus indices

pandapower.toolbox.create_continuous_bus_index(net, start=0, store_old_index=False)

Creates a continuous bus index starting at ‘start’ and replaces all references of old indices by the new ones.


net - pandapower network


start - index begins with “start”

store_old_index - if True, stores the old index in net.bus[“old_index”]


bus_lookup - mapping of old to new index

pandapower.toolbox.reindex_elements(net, element_type, new_indices=None, old_indices=None, lookup=None)

Changes the index of the DataFrame net[element_type].


net with elements to reindex


name of element type to rename, e.g. “gen” or “load”

new_indicestyping.Union[list[int], pandas.Index[int]], optional

new indices to set, by default None

old_indicestyping.Union[list[int], pandas.Index[int]], optional

old indices to be replaced. If not given, all indices are assumed in case of given new_indices, and all lookup keys are assumed in case of given lookup, by default None

lookupdict[int,int], optional

lookup to assign new indices to old indices, by default None


Either new_indices or lookup must be given. old_indices can be given to limit the indices to be replaced. In case of given new_indices, both must have the same length. If element_type is “group”, be careful to give new_indices without passing old_indices because group indices do not need to be unique.


>>> net = pp.create_empty_network()
>>> idx0 = pp.create_bus(net, 110)
>>> idx1 = 4
>>> idx2 = 7
>>> # Reindex using 'new_indices':
>>> pp.reindex_elements(net, "bus", [idx1])  # passing old_indices=[idx0] is optional
>>> net.bus.index
Int64Index([4], dtype='int64')
>>> # Reindex using 'lookup':
>>> pp.reindex_elements(net, "bus", lookup={idx1: idx2})
Int64Index([7], dtype='int64')
pandapower.toolbox.create_continuous_elements_index(net, start=0, add_df_to_reindex={})

Creating a continuous index for all the elements, starting at zero and replaces all references of old indices by the new ones.


net - pandapower network with unodered indices


start - index begins with “start”

add_df_to_reindex - by default all useful pandapower elements for power flow will be selected. Customized DataFrames can also be considered here.


net - pandapower network with odered and continuous indices

pandapower.toolbox.set_scaling_by_type(net, scalings, scale_load=True, scale_sgen=True)

Sets scaling of loads and/or sgens according to a dictionary mapping type to a scaling factor. Note that the type-string is case sensitive. E.g. scaling = {“pv”: 0.8, “bhkw”: 0.6}

  • net

  • scalings – A dictionary containing a mapping from element type to

  • scale_load

  • scale_sgen


Overwrites dtype of DataFrame columns of PandapowerNet elements to default dtypes defined in pandapower. The function “convert_format” does that authomatically for nets saved with pandapower versions below 1.6. If this is required for versions starting with 1.6, it should be done manually with this function.


net - pandapower network with unodered indices


No output; the net passed as input has pandapower-default dtypes of columns in element tables.

pandapower.toolbox.get_inner_branches(net, buses, branch_elements=None)

Returns indices of branches that connects buses within ‘buses’ at all branch sides (e.g. ‘from_bus’ and ‘to_bus’).

Electric Grid Modification

pandapower.toolbox.select_subnet(net, buses, include_switch_buses=False, include_results=False, keep_everything_else=False)

Selects a subnet by a list of bus indices and returns a net with all elements connected to them.

pandapower.toolbox.merge_nets(net1, net2, validate=True, merge_results=True, tol=1e-09, **kwargs)

Function to concatenate two nets into one data structure. The elements keep their indices unless both nets have the same indices. In that case, net2 elements get reindexed. The reindex lookup of net2 elements can be retrieved by passing return_net2_reindex_lookup=True.


first net to concatenate


second net to concatenate

validatebool, optional

whether power flow results should be compared against the results of the input nets, by default True

merge_resultsbool, optional

whether results tables should be concatenated, by default True

tolfloat, optional

tolerance which is allowed to pass the results validate check (relevant if validate is True), by default 1e-9

std_prio_on_net1bool, optional

whether net1 standard type should be kept if net2 has types with same names, by default True

return_net2_reindex_lookupbool, optional

if True, the merged net AND a dict of lookups is returned, by default False

net2_reindex_log_levelstr, optional

logging level of the message which element types of net2 got reindexed elements. Options are, for example “debug”, “info”, “warning”, “error”, or None, by default “info”


net with concatenated element tables


if validate is True and power flow results of the merged net deviate from input nets results

pandapower.toolbox.set_element_status(net, buses, in_service)

Sets buses and all elements connected to them in or out of service.

pandapower.toolbox.set_isolated_areas_out_of_service(net, respect_switches=True)

Set all isolated buses and all elements connected to isolated buses out of service.

pandapower.toolbox.repl_to_line(net, idx, std_type, name=None, in_service=False, **kwargs)

creates a power line in parallel to the existing power line based on the values of the new std_type. The new parallel line has an impedance value, which is chosen so that the resulting impedance of the new line and the already existing line is equal to the impedance of the replaced line. Or for electrical engineers:

Z0 = impedance of the existing line

Z1 = impedance of the replaced line

Z2 = impedance of the created line


    --- Z2 ---
---|          |---   =  --- Z1 ---
    --- Z0 ---
net - pandapower net
idx (int) - idx of the existing line
std_type (str) - pandapower standard type
name (str, None) - name of the new power line
in_service (bool, False) - if the new power line is in service
**kwargs - additional line parameters you want to set for the new line
new_idx (int) - index of the created power line
pandapower.toolbox.merge_parallel_line(net, idx)

Changes the impedances of the parallel line so that it equals a single line.

Z0 = impedance of the existing parallel lines

Z1 = impedance of the respective single line


    --- Z0 ---
---|          |---   =  --- Z1 ---
    --- Z0 ---
net - pandapower net
idx (int) - idx of the line to merge
pandapower.toolbox.merge_same_bus_generation_plants(net, add_info=True, error=True, gen_elms=('ext_grid', 'gen', 'sgen'))

Merge generation plants connected to the same buses so that a maximum of one generation plants per node remains.

  • gen_elms should always be given in order of slack (1.), PV (2.) and PQ (3.) elements.


net - pandapower net


add_info (bool, True) - If True, the column ‘includes_other_plants’ is added to the elements dataframes. This column informs about which element table rows are the result of a merge of generation plants.

error (bool, True) - If True, raises an Error, if vm_pu values differ with same buses.

gen_elms (list, [“ext_grid”, “gen”, “sgen”]) - list of elements to be merged by same buses. Should be in order of slack (1.), PV (2.) and PQ (3.) elements.


Finds lines that have opened switches at both ends and closes one of them. Function is usually used when optimizing section points to prevent the algorithm from ignoring isolated lines.

pandapower.toolbox.fuse_buses(net, b1, b2, drop=True, fuse_bus_measurements=True)

Reroutes any connections to buses in b2 to the given bus b1. Additionally drops the buses b2, if drop=True (default).

Dropping Elements

pandapower.toolbox.drop_elements(net, element_type, element_index, **kwargs)

Drops element, result and group entries, as well as, associated elements from the pandapower net.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_elements_simple(net, element_type, element_index)

Drops element, result and group entries from the pandapower net.

See also


providing more generic usage (inter-element connections considered)

pandapower.toolbox.drop_buses(net, buses, drop_elements=True)

Drops specified buses, their bus_geodata and by default drops all elements connected to them as well.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_trafos(net, trafos, table='trafo')

Deletes all trafos and in the given list of indices and removes any switches connected to it.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_lines(net, lines)

Deletes all lines and their geodata in the given list of indices and removes any switches connected to it.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_elements_at_buses(net, buses, bus_elements=True, branch_elements=True, drop_measurements=True)

drop elements connected to given buses

pandapower.toolbox.drop_switches_at_buses(net, buses)
pandapower.toolbox.drop_measurements_at_elements(net, element_type, idx=None, side=None)

Drop measurements of given element_type and (if given) given elements (idx) and side.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_controllers_at_elements(net, element_type, idx=None)

Drop all the controllers for the given elements (idx).

pandapower.toolbox.drop_controllers_at_buses(net, buses)

Drop all the controllers for the elements connected to the given buses.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_duplicated_measurements(net, buses=None, keep='first')

Drops duplicated measurements at given set of buses. If buses is None, all buses are considered.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_inner_branches(net, buses, branch_elements=None)

Drops branches that connects buses within ‘buses’ at all branch sides (e.g. ‘from_bus’ and ‘to_bus’).


Drop all elements (including corresponding dataframes such as switches, measurements, result tables, geodata) with “in_service” is False. Buses that are connected to in-service branches are not deleted.

pandapower.toolbox.drop_inactive_elements(net, respect_switches=True)

Drops any elements not in service AND any elements connected to inactive buses.

Replacing Elements

pandapower.toolbox.create_replacement_switch_for_branch(net, element_type, element_index)

Creates a switch parallel to a branch, connecting the same buses as the branch. The switch is closed if the branch is in service and open if the branch is out of service. The in_service status of the original branch is not affected and should be set separately, if needed.

  • net – pandapower network

  • element_type – element_type table e. g. ‘line’, ‘impedance’

  • element_index – index of the branch e. g. 0



pandapower.toolbox.replace_zero_branches_with_switches(net, elements=('line', 'impedance'), zero_length=True, zero_impedance=True, in_service_only=True, min_length_km=0, min_r_ohm_per_km=0, min_x_ohm_per_km=0, min_c_nf_per_km=0, min_rft_pu=0, min_xft_pu=0, min_rtf_pu=0, min_xtf_pu=0, drop_affected=False)

Creates a replacement switch for branches with zero impedance (line, impedance) and sets them out of service.

  • net – pandapower network

  • elements – a tuple of names of element tables e. g. (‘line’, ‘impedance’) or (line)

  • zero_length – whether zero length lines will be affected

  • zero_impedance – whether zero impedance branches will be affected

  • in_service_only – whether the branches that are not in service will be affected

  • drop_affected – wheter the affected branch elements are dropped

  • min_length_km – threshhold for line length for a line to be considered zero line

  • min_r_ohm_per_km – threshhold for line R’ value for a line to be considered zero line

  • min_x_ohm_per_km – threshhold for line X’ value for a line to be considered zero line

  • min_c_nf_per_km – threshhold for line C’ for a line to be considered zero line

  • min_rft_pu – threshhold for R from-to value for impedance to be considered zero impedance

  • min_xft_pu – threshhold for X from-to value for impedance to be considered zero impedance

  • min_rtf_pu – threshhold for R to-from value for impedance to be considered zero impedance

  • min_xtf_pu – threshhold for X to-from value for impedance to be considered zero impedance


pandapower.toolbox.replace_impedance_by_line(net, index=None, only_valid_replace=True, max_i_ka=nan)

Creates lines by given impedances data, while the impedances are dropped.


net - pandapower net


index (index, None) - Index of all impedances to be replaced. If None, all impedances will be replaced.

only_valid_replace (bool, True) - If True, impedances will only replaced, if a replacement leads to equal power flow results. If False, unsymmetric impedances will be replaced by symmetric lines.

max_i_ka (value(s), False) - Data/Information how to set max_i_ka. If ‘imp.sn_mva’ is given, the sn_mva values of the impedances are considered.

pandapower.toolbox.replace_line_by_impedance(net, index=None, sn_mva=None, only_valid_replace=True)

Creates impedances by given lines data, while the lines are dropped.


net - pandapower net


index (index, None) - Index of all lines to be replaced. If None, all lines will be replaced.

sn_kva (list or array, None) - Values of sn_kva for creating the impedances. If None, the net.sn_kva is assumed

only_valid_replace (bool, True) - If True, lines will only replaced, if a replacement leads to equal power flow results. If False, capacitance and dielectric conductance will be neglected.

pandapower.toolbox.replace_ext_grid_by_gen(net, ext_grids=None, gen_indices=None, slack=False, cols_to_keep=None, add_cols_to_keep=None)

Replaces external grids by generators.


net - pandapower net


ext_grids (iterable) - indices of external grids which should be replaced

gen_indices (iterable) - required indices of new generators

slack (bool, False) - indicates which value is set to net.gen.slack for the new generators

cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be kept while replacing ext_grids. If None these columns are kept if values exist: “max_p_mw”, “min_p_mw”, “max_q_mvar”, “min_q_mvar”. However cols_to_keep is given, these columns are always set: “bus”, “vm_pu”, “p_mw”, “name”, “in_service”, “controllable”

add_cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be added to ‘cols_to_keep’ to be kept while replacing ext_grids.

pandapower.toolbox.replace_gen_by_ext_grid(net, gens=None, ext_grid_indices=None, cols_to_keep=None, add_cols_to_keep=None)

Replaces generators by external grids.


net - pandapower net


gens (iterable) - indices of generators which should be replaced

ext_grid_indices (iterable) - required indices of new external grids

cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be kept while replacing gens. If None these columns are kept if values exist: “max_p_mw”, “min_p_mw”, “max_q_mvar”, “min_q_mvar”. However cols_to_keep is given, these columns are alway set: “bus”, “vm_pu”, “va_degree”, “name”, “in_service”

add_cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be added to ‘cols_to_keep’ to be kept while replacing gens.

pandapower.toolbox.replace_gen_by_sgen(net, gens=None, sgen_indices=None, cols_to_keep=None, add_cols_to_keep=None)

Replaces generators by static generators.


net - pandapower net


gens (iterable) - indices of generators which should be replaced

sgen_indices (iterable) - required indices of new static generators

cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be kept while replacing gens. If None these columns are kept if values exist: “max_p_mw”, “min_p_mw”, “max_q_mvar”, “min_q_mvar”. However cols_to_keep is given, these columns are always set: “bus”, “p_mw”, “q_mvar”, “name”, “in_service”, “controllable”

add_cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be added to ‘cols_to_keep’ to be kept while replacing gens.

pandapower.toolbox.replace_sgen_by_gen(net, sgens=None, gen_indices=None, cols_to_keep=None, add_cols_to_keep=None)

Replaces static generators by generators.


net - pandapower net


sgens (iterable) - indices of static generators which should be replaced

gen_indices (iterable) - required indices of new generators

cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be kept while replacing sgens. If None these columns are kept if values exist: “max_p_mw”, “min_p_mw”, “max_q_mvar”, “min_q_mvar”. However cols_to_keep is given, these columns are always set: “bus”, “vm_pu”, “p_mw”, “name”, “in_service”, “controllable”

add_cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be added to ‘cols_to_keep’ to be kept while replacing sgens.

pandapower.toolbox.replace_pq_elmtype(net, old_element_type, new_element_type, old_indices=None, new_indices=None, cols_to_keep=None, add_cols_to_keep=None)

Replaces e.g. static generators by loads or loads by storages and so forth.


net - pandapower net

old_element_type (str) - element type of which elements should be replaced. Should be in [

“sgen”, “load”, “storage”]

new_element_type (str) - element type of which elements should be created. Should be in [

“sgen”, “load”, “storage”]


old_indices (iterable) - indices of the elements which should be replaced

new_indices (iterable) - required indices of the new elements

cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be kept while replacing. If None these columns are kept if values exist: “max_p_mw”, “min_p_mw”, “max_q_mvar”, “min_q_mvar”. Independent whether cols_to_keep is given, these columns are always set: “bus”, “p_mw”, “q_mvar”, “name”, “in_service”, “controllable”

add_cols_to_keep (list, None) - list of column names which should be added to ‘cols_to_keep’ to be kept while replacing.


new_idx (list) - list of indices of the new elements

pandapower.toolbox.replace_ward_by_internal_elements(net, wards=None, log_level='warning')

Replaces wards by loads and shunts.


net - pandapower net


wards (iterable) - indices of xwards which should be replaced


No output - the given wards in pandapower net are replaced by loads and shunts

pandapower.toolbox.replace_xward_by_internal_elements(net, xwards=None, set_xward_bus_limits=False, log_level='warning')

Replaces xward by loads, shunts, impedance and generators


pandapower net

xwardsiterable, optional

indices of xwards which should be replaced. If None, all xwards are replaced, by default None

set_xward_bus_limitsbool, optional

if True, the buses internal in xwards get vm limits from the connected buses

log_levelstr, optional

logging level of the message which element types of net2 got reindexed elements. Options are, for example “debug”, “info”, “warning”, “error”, or None, by default “info”


the given xwards in pandapower are replaced by buses, loads, shunts, impadance and generators