Simple Plotting

The function simple_plot() can be used for simple plotting. For advanced possibilities see the tutorial.

pandapower.plotting.simple_plot(net, respect_switches=False, line_width=1.0, bus_size=1.0, ext_grid_size=1.0, trafo_size=1.0, plot_loads=False, plot_gens=False, plot_sgens=False, load_size=1.0, gen_size=1.0, sgen_size=1.0, switch_size=2.0, switch_distance=1.0, plot_line_switches=False, scale_size=True, bus_color='b', line_color='grey', dcline_color='c', trafo_color='k', ext_grid_color='y', switch_color='k', library='igraph', show_plot=True, ax=None)

Plots a pandapower network as simple as possible. If no geodata is available, artificial geodata is generated. For advanced plotting see the tutorial


net - The pandapower format network.

respect_switches (bool, False) - Respect switches if artificial geodata is created.

This Flag is ignored if plot_line_switches is True

line_width (float, 1.0) - width of lines

bus_size (float, 1.0) - Relative size of buses to plot.

The value bus_size is multiplied with mean_distance_between_buses, which equals the distance between the max geocoord and the min divided by 200. mean_distance_between_buses = sum((net.bus.geo.max() - net.bus.geo.min()) / 200)

ext_grid_size (float, 1.0) - Relative size of ext_grids to plot. See bus sizes for details.

Note: ext_grids are plotted as rectangles

trafo_size (float, 1.0) - Relative size of trafos to plot.

plot_loads (bool, False) - Flag to decide whether load symbols should be drawn.

plot_gens (bool, False) - Flag to decide whether gen symbols should be drawn.

plot_sgens (bool, False) - Flag to decide whether sgen symbols should be drawn.

load_size (float, 1.0) - Relative size of loads to plot.

sgen_size (float, 1.0) - Relative size of sgens to plot.

switch_size (float, 2.0) - Relative size of switches to plot. See bus size for details

switch_distance (float, 1.0) - Relative distance of the switch to its corresponding bus. See bus size for details

plot_line_switches (bool, False) - Flag if line switches are plotted

scale_size (bool, True) - Flag if bus_size, ext_grid_size, bus_size- and distance will be scaled with respect to grid mean distances

bus_color (String, colors[0]) - Bus Color. Init as first value of color palette. Usually colors[0] = “b”.

line_color (String, ‘grey’) - Line Color. Init is grey

dcline_color (String, ‘c’) - Line Color. Init is cyan

trafo_color (String, ‘k’) - Trafo Color. Init is black

ext_grid_color (String, ‘y’) - External Grid Color. Init is yellow

switch_color (String, ‘k’) - Switch Color. Init is black

library (String, “igraph”) - library name to create generic coordinates (case of

missing geodata). “igraph” to use igraph package or “networkx” to use networkx package.

show_plot (bool, True) - Shows plot at the end of plotting

ax (object, None) - matplotlib axis to plot to


ax - axes of figure