Running a Short-Circuit Calculation

The short circuit calculation is carried out with the calc_sc function:

pandapower.shortcircuit.calc_sc(net, fault='3ph', case='max', lv_tol_percent=10, topology='auto', ip=False, ith=False, tk_s=1.0, kappa_method='C', r_fault_ohm=0.0, x_fault_ohm=0.0, branch_results=False, check_connectivity=True)

Calculates minimal or maximal symmetrical short-circuit currents. The calculation is based on the method of the equivalent voltage source according to DIN/IEC EN 60909. The initial short-circuit alternating current ikss is the basis of the short-circuit calculation and is therefore always calculated. Other short-circuit currents can be calculated from ikss with the conversion factors defined in DIN/IEC EN 60909.

The output is stored in the net.res_bus_sc table as a short_circuit current for each bus.


net (pandapowerNet) pandapower Network

*fault (str, 3ph) type of fault

  • “3ph” for three-phase
  • “2ph” for two-phase short-circuits
  • “1ph” for single-phase ground faults

case (str, “max”)

  • “max” for maximal current calculation
  • “min” for minimal current calculation

lv_tol_percent (int, 10) voltage tolerance in low voltage grids

  • 6 for 6% voltage tolerance
  • 10 for 10% voltage olerance

ip (bool, False) if True, calculate aperiodic short-circuit current

Ith (bool, False) if True, calculate equivalent thermical short-circuit current Ith

topology (str, “auto”) define option for meshing (only relevant for ip and ith)

  • “meshed” - it is assumed all buses are supplied over multiple paths
  • “radial” - it is assumed all buses are supplied over exactly one path
  • “auto” - topology check for each bus is performed to see if it is supplied over multiple paths

tk_s (float, 1) failure clearing time in seconds (only relevant for ith)

r_fault_ohm (float, 0) fault resistance in Ohm

x_fault_ohm (float, 0) fault reactance in Ohm

branch_results (bool, False) defines if short-circuit results should also be generated for branches





import pandapower.shortcircuit as sc
import pandapower.networks as nw

net = nw.mv_oberrhein()
net.ext_grid["s_sc_min_mva"] = 100
net.ext_grid["rx_min"] = 0.1

net.line["endtemp_degree"] = 20
sc.calc_sc(net, case="min")