

A generator with positive active power represents a voltage controlled generator. If you want to model constant generation without voltage control, use the Static Generator element.

Create Function

pandapower.create_gen(net, bus, p_mw, vm_pu=1.0, sn_mva=nan, name=None, index=None, max_q_mvar=nan, min_q_mvar=nan, min_p_mw=nan, max_p_mw=nan, min_vm_pu=nan, max_vm_pu=nan, scaling=1.0, type=None, slack=False, controllable=nan, vn_kv=nan, xdss_pu=nan, rdss_pu=nan, cos_phi=nan, in_service=True)

Adds a generator to the network.

Generators are always modelled as voltage controlled PV nodes, which is why the input parameter is active power and a voltage set point. If you want to model a generator as PQ load with fixed reactive power and variable voltage, please use a static generator instead.


net - The net within this generator should be created

bus (int) - The bus id to which the generator is connected


p_mw (float, default 0) - The real power of the generator (positive for generation!)

vm_pu (float, default 0) - The voltage set point of the generator.

sn_mva (float, None) - Nominal power of the generator

name (string, None) - The name for this generator

index (int, None) - Force a specified ID if it is available. If None, the index one higher than the highest already existing index is selected.

scaling (float, 1.0) - scaling factor which for the active power of the generator

type (string, None) - type variable to classify generators

controllable (bool, NaN) - True: p_mw, q_mvar and vm_pu limits are enforced for this generator in OPF
False: p_mw and vm_pu setpoints are enforced and limits are ignored. defaults to True if “controllable” column exists in DataFrame


vn_kv (float, NaN) - Rated voltage of the generator for short-circuit calculation

xdss_pu (float, NaN) - Subtransient generator reactance for short-circuit calculation

rdss_pu (float, NaN) - Subtransient generator resistance for short-circuit calculation

cos_phi (float, NaN) - Rated cosine phi of the generator for short-circuit calculation

in_service (bool, True) - True for in_service or False for out of service

max_p_mw (float, default NaN) - Maximum active power injection - necessary for OPF

min_p_mw (float, default NaN) - Minimum active power injection - necessary for OPF

max_q_mvar (float, default NaN) - Maximum reactive power injection - necessary for OPF

min_q_mvar (float, default NaN) - Minimum reactive power injection - necessary for OPF

min_vm_pu (float, default NaN) - Minimum voltage magnitude. If not set the bus voltage limit is taken.
  • necessary for OPF.
max_vm_pur (float, default NaN) - Maximum voltage magnitude. If not set the bus voltage limit is taken.
  • necessary for OPF
index (int) - The unique ID of the created generator
create_gen(net, 1, p_mw = 120, vm_pu = 1.02)

Input Parameters


Parameter Datatype Value Range Explanation
name string   name of the generator
type string
naming conventions:
“sync” - synchronous generator
“async” - asynchronous generator
type variable to classify generators
bus* integer   index of connected bus
p_mw* float \(\leq\) 0 the real power of the generator [MW]
vm_pu* float   voltage set point of the generator [p.u]
sn_mva float \(>\) 0 nominal power of the generator [MVA]
min_q_mvar float   minimal reactive power of the generator [MVar]
max_q_mvar float   maximal reactive power of the generator [MVar]
scaling* float \(\leq\) 0 scaling factor for the active power
max_p_mw** float   Maximum active power
min_p_mw** float   Minimum active power
max_q_mvar** float   Maximum reactive power
min_q_mvar** float   Minimum reactive power
vn_kv*** float   Rated voltage of the generator
xdss_pu*** float \(>\) 0 Subtransient generator reactance in per unit
rdss_pu*** float \(>\) 0 Subtransient generator resistence in per unit
cos_phi*** float \(0 \leq\) 1 Rated generator cosine phi
in_service* boolean True / False specifies if the generator is in service.

*necessary for executing a power flow calculation
**optimal power flow parameter
***short-circuit calculation parameter

Electric Model

Generators are modelled as PV-nodes in the power flow:

alternate Text

Voltage magnitude and active power are defined by the input parameters in the generator table:

\begin{align*} P_{gen} &= p\_mw * scaling \\ v_{bus} &= vm\_pu \end{align*}

Result Parameters


Parameter Datatype Explanation
p_mw float resulting active power demand after scaling [MW]
q_mvar float resulting reactive power demand after scaling [MVar]
va_degree float generator voltage angle [degree]
vm_pu float voltage at the generator [p.u]

The power flow returns reactive generator power and generator voltage angle:

\begin{align*} p\_mw &= P_{gen} \\ q\_mvar &= Q_{gen} \\ va\_degree &= \angle \underline{v}_{bus} \\ vm\_degree &= |\underline{v}_{bus}| \end{align*}


If the power flow is run with the enforce_qlims option and the generator reactive power exceeds / underruns the maximum / minimum reactive power limit, the generator is converted to a static generator with the maximum / minimum reactive power as constant reactive power generation. The voltage at the generator bus is then no longer equal to the voltage set point defined in the parameter table.