Create networkx graph

The basis of all topology functions is the conversion of a padapower network into a NetworkX MultiGraph. A MultiGraph is a simplified representation of a network’s topology, reduced to nodes and edges. Busses are being represented by nodes (Note: only buses with in_service = 1 appear in the graph), edges represent physical connections between buses (typically lines or trafos). Multiple parallel edges between nodes are possible.

This is a very simple example of a pandapower network being converted to a MultiGraph. (Note: The MultiGraph’s shape is completely arbitrary since MultiGraphs have no inherent shape unless geodata is provided.)

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Nodes have the same indicees as the buses they originate from. Edges are defined by the nodes they connect. Additionally nodes and edges can hold key/value attribute pairs.

The following attributes get transferred into the MultiGraph:



  • from_bus

  • to_bus

  • length_km

  • index

  • in_service

  • max_i_ka

  • hv_bus

  • lv_bus

  • index

  • in_service

Apart from these there are no element attributes contained in the MultiGraph!

Creating a multigraph from a pandapower network

The function create_nxgraph function from the pandapower.topology package allows you to convert a pandapower network into a MultiGraph:

pandapower.topology.create_nxgraph(net, respect_switches=True, include_lines=True, include_impedances=True, include_dclines=True, include_trafos=True, include_trafo3ws=True, include_tcsc=True, nogobuses=None, notravbuses=None, multi=True, calc_branch_impedances=False, branch_impedance_unit='ohm', library='networkx', include_out_of_service=False, include_switches=True, trafo_length_km=None, switch_length_km=None)

Converts a pandapower network into a NetworkX graph, which is a is a simplified representation of a network’s topology, reduced to nodes and edges. Busses are being represented by nodes (Note: only buses with in_service = 1 appear in the graph), edges represent physical connections between buses (typically lines or trafos).


net (pandapowerNet) - variable that contains a pandapower network

respect_switches (boolean, True) - True: open switches (line, trafo, bus) are being considered (no edge between nodes)

False: open switches are being ignored

include_lines (boolean or index, True) - determines, whether or which lines get

converted to edges

include_impedances (boolean or , True) - determines, whether or which per unit

impedances (net.impedance) are converted to edges

include_tcsc (boolean or , True) - determines, whether or which TCSC elements (net.tcsc)

are converted to edges

include_dclines (boolean or index, True) - determines, whether or which dclines get

converted to edges

include_trafos (boolean or index, True) - determines, whether or which trafos get

converted to edges

include_trafo3ws (boolean or index, True) - determines, whether or which trafo3ws get

converted to edges

nogobuses (integer/list, None) - nogobuses are not being considered in the graph

notravbuses (integer/list, None) - lines connected to these buses are not being

considered in the graph

multi (boolean, True) - True: The function generates a NetworkX MultiGraph, which allows

multiple parallel edges between nodes False: NetworkX Graph (no multiple parallel edges)

calc_branch_impedances (boolean, False) - determines wether impedances are calculated

and added as a weight to all branches or not. Impedances can be added in ohm or per unit (see branch_impedance unit parameter). DC Lines are considered as infinity.

branch_impedance_unit (str, “ohm”) - defines the unit of the branch impedance for

calc_branch_impedances=True. If it is set to “ohm”, the parameters ‘r_ohm’, ‘x_ohm’ and ‘z_ohm’ are added to each branch. If it is set to “pu”, the parameters are ‘r_pu’, ‘x_pu’ and ‘z_pu’.

include_out_of_service (bool, False) - defines if out of service buses are included in the nx graph


mg - Returns the required NetworkX graph


import pandapower.topology as top

mg = top.create_nx_graph(net, respect_switches = False) # converts the pandapower network “net” to a MultiGraph. Open switches will be ignored.



create_nxgraph(net, respect_switches = False)
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create_nxgraph(net, include_lines = False, include_impedances = False)
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create_nxgraph(net, include_trafos = False)
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create_nxgraph(net, nogobuses = [4])
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create_nxgraph(net, notravbuses = [4])
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